Then and now

The Federal Constitution of 1848 heralded major changes to Swiss mail, postal and customs services. 1877 saw the inauguration of the Lausanne-Centre-Ouchy railway line, and a freeport opened in Flon in 1886. This laid the foundation for Switzerland’s and therefore PESA’s oldest freeport.

Over the years, the lack of capacity and access to the freeport in Flon became increasingly problematic. In response to this development, the Vaud Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the cantonal customs authorities decided to move the freeport to Chavornay in Lausanne. PESA was established in 1973, and our freeport was opened in Chavornay in 1977.

We have gradually refined and developed our services since then. In 2011, we strengthened our team by bringing new recruits on board, which enabled us to become a global freight forwarder in every sense of the phrase. This is how we have come to have 60 employees working tirelessly to meet your transport goals and developing invaluable expertise across several sites.